In Spite of short-term disruption caused by COVID-19, the Medical device's resilience and its emerging importance will keep on escalating in the coming years. Medtech 3.0 is armed with connectivity and intelligence, giving wings to medical devices. However, it’s considered as only the beginning of the new era. In the healthcare landscape, Medtech 3.0 is considered as the new normal.
Medical devices act as a crucial role in the holistic functioning of the health system including the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness/diseases. Medtech acts as an envelope to the medical devices empowered with IT connectivity.
The company provides Medtech 3.0 coupling cloud and IoT services within the medical devices for the RPM ecosystem. Various FDA-approved physiologic devices to access and monitor their weights, blood pressure, sugar level, pulse, oxygen, and respiratory flow rate are integrated with AI-enabled chips and sensors for multi-level authentication.
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